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Current Graduate Advising
1. Neelima Dahal (Ph. D.), (May 2023)

2. Md Saiful Islam (Ph. D.), “Automating Highly Sensitive Radio Frequency
Sensors,” (December 2023)

3. Isaac Akambole (Ph. D.), “Integrated microwave spectrometers for virus
detection and identification,” (August 2027)

4. Oduraa Quartey (Ph. D.), (August 2027)


Past Graduate Advising
1. Jeffrey Osterberg (Ph. D.), “Design and operation of a microwave flow
cytometer for single cell detection and identification”, 2002 (defended thesis
in April, 2022, Sandia National Lab, Member Of Technical Staff)

2. Duye Ye (Ph. D.), “Radio-Frequency Sensors for High Performance Liquid
Chromatography Applications”, 2020 (Intel Corporation)

3. Zhe Chen (Ph. D.), “Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy”, (Graduate in
August 2018, Intel Corporation)

4. Yan Cui (Ph. D.), “ Radio Frequency Nanoscanner for Cell Membrane
Heterogeneity Studies,” (Graduate in August, 2017, Associate Professor, Shan
Dong University, China)

5. Jiwei Sun (Ph. D.), “Device and Circuit Modules for Micro Total Analysis
Systems,” (Dec, 2014) (Intel Corporation, Phoenix USA)

6. Chunrong Song (Ph. D.), “Radio frequency micro/nanofluidic devices for
dielectric property characterizations,” (successfully defended her dissertation
on Dec. 15 th , 2010, plan to graduate in May, 2011). (Intel Corporation)

7. Chaojiang Li (Ph. D.), “Circuit modules for broadband CMOS six-port
systems,” (graduated in December, 2010, Works for IBM, Vermont)

8. Hanqiao Zhang (Ph. D.), “High frequency ferromagnetic inductive elements
for on-chip integration and their magnetization dynamics,” (graduated in
December, 2010, Intel Corporation)

9. Huan Zou (an exchange Ph. D. student supported by the Chinese Scholarship
, “Integrated Pulsed Power Technologies,” Stayed with me during
Aug. 2007-Dec. 2009 (Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science
and Technology, Chengdu, China)

10. Yang Yang (an exchange Ph. D. student), “RF Biological Sensors,” stayed
with me during Sept. 2008-Oct. 2010. (Associate Professor, Sichuan
University, Chengdu, China)


Postdoctoral Scholar
1. Dr. Yan Cui, 08/2017-12/2017

2. Dr. Muhammad Hassan Khalil


Visiting Scholars

1. Dr. Yuping Liu
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering,
Beihang University, China, 07/01/2016-07/28/2017

2. Dr. Hao Li
Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu, China, 07/01/2015-06/30/2016

3. Dr. Qian Chen
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Electromagnetics, Sichuan
University, China, 03/01/2014-02/28/2015

4. Dr. Shaohu Li
Professor, School of Information Engineering, Southwest University of
Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, China. 08/01/2014-

5. Dr. Jichen Liu
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chengdu University of
Information Technology, China 01/31/2013-01/30/2015


Masters Graduates
1. Zheng Wang (MS), “Broadband Sensors for High-Speed Detection and
Identification of Cells,” (December, 2015)

2. Yongzhi Shao (MS), “Radio-Frequency Detectors for Volatile Organic
Molecules”, (August, 2015)

(graduate in August, 2013)

4. Yongtao Geng (MS), “Circuit modules for CMOS high-power short pulse
generators,” (graduated December 2010)

5. Chaojiang Li (MS), “Circuit modules for six-port reflectometer (SPR) on
Chip,” (graduated December 2008)

6. Syed Azzimuddin (M S), “Permalloy Thin Film Domain Control”, (graduated
in 2005)


7. George Thomas (Non-thesis M S), “On-Chip Transmission Line Based
Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers,” (May 2009) (I supported Mr. Thomas in part
for his studies)

8. Rahul Jairaj Mitchell (non-thesis MS) “RF Microfluidic Devices for Biofluids
Characterization,” (May 2009). (Dr. Rod Harrell is the committee chair. The
student is in my group. I am partially supporting the student through my
research funds and guiding his research)




© 2017 by Wang Lab.

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