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     Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems


We study and develop electronic devices, circuits and systems to generate and analyze sinusoidal and pulsed electrical signals, from DC to terahertz (THz) frequencies and in the context of microwave lab-on-chip. 


Currently, heterodyne transceivers and six-port circuits are investigated, developed and tested for frequency domain signal measurement and examination.  On-chip pulsed power techniques are demonstrated to generate high-voltage, high-power electrical pulses.


CMOS transmission line based spatial sampling techniques are investigated and demonstrated for high-speed analog-to-digital conversion (ADCs) to capture and analyze short pulses in time domain.


We also develop radio-frequency (RF) and THz filters, resonators and adapters to engineer electromagnetic spectrums.  Some of these devices and circuits have been incorporated into our biological, chemical and medical sensors with outstanding capabilities.

A micrograph of a CMOS tunable six-port and test bench

A  micrograph of a CMOS coupler (tunable from ~ 2.5 GHz to ~ 8 GHz) and test arrangement

Coupler & Generator

© 2017 by Wang Lab.

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